Advanced usage example

Code example and Storybook

Below you can find all advanced options listed

import React, { useState, useCallback } from 'react';
import { useLongPress } from 'use-long-press';

export default function AdvancedExample() {
  const [enabled, setEnabled] = useState(true);
  const callback = useCallback(event => {
    alert('Long pressed!');
  }, []);
  const bind = useLongPress(enabled ? callback : null, {
    onStart: event => console.log('Press started'),
    onFinish: event => console.log('Long press finished'),
    onCancel: event => console.log('Press cancelled'),
    onMove: event => console.log('Detected mouse or touch movement'),
    filterEvents: event => true, // All events can potentially trigger long press (same as 'undefined')
    threshold: 500, // In milliseconds
    captureEvent: true, // Event won't get cleared after React finish processing it
    cancelOnMovement: 25, // Square side size (in pixels) inside which movement won't cancel long press
    cancelOutsideElement: true, // Cancel long press when moved mouse / pointer outside element while pressing
    detect: 'pointer', // Default option

  return (
      <button {...bind()}>Press and hold</button>
        <label htmlFor="enabled">
          <input type="checkbox" id="enabled" checked={enabled} onChange={() => setEnabled(current => !current)} />
          Hook enabled

To explore all options in detail, click below to view the Storybook stories for the button with the long press hook attached.

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